Saturday, September 11, 2010

Twenty Three Things: Weeks One and Two

Week #1:  Thing 1
Read "This Thing and Find Out"  . . . but . . . I'm not a librarian.  Do I still have to do this? :)
Read the pointers about being a lifelong learner.  I think I already have that disease.     

Week #2: Thing 3
Setting Up a Blog and Making an Entry  See Below
Week #2: Thing 4
Posting the Blog URL on STJES Staff Development Wiki   Check

     Just remembered that I had the 23 things to get started on - oh yes, that little task.  This is my second blog site, but I've only written one blog entry - and that was because I HAD to do it for a tech class grade.  I'm not sure that blogging is in me.  It's sort of like my Facebook account.  I have one, and I occasionally peruse what others are up to, but I hardly ever feel compelled to write about what's going on in my life.  I guess I'm not much of an emoter (I think I just made up a new form of "emote").  Writing about what you are thinking and doing takes away time from actually doing it.  I'm already short on time and would rather live the experience than tell others about it.  Anyway, I've done what was asked of me.  I even decorated my blog site in lovely hues of blue.  The most irritating part of the whole process was that I couldn't get my avatar to be larger than a postage stamp.  I even tried editing the file in Adobe Photoshop, but no luck.  How will anyone truly appreciate the fine detail in clothing and accessories if THEY CAN'T SEE IT??  I will come back to this at a later time and try again.  The purple mohawk do was tempting, and since no one can really see the actual hairstyle that I chose, I may as well have chosen something wild and crazy. 
     I do think that this experience will help the technologically inexperienced to move along in the literacy process.  It will be a bit like a full body dunk baptismal rather than just a sprinkle, but it will either get people up to speed or cause an insurrection.  Time will tell . . .


  1. I think it helps when you have a very specific blogging subject. Like in this case, your only task is to blog about your experiences with each task and also to be an active participant in others' journeys as well. When I introduce blogging in fourth/fifth grade it's always with a specific purpose. Like this year, in fifth grade, the students have to blog as if they are one of the characters in the book they are reading, Kokopelli's Flute.

  2. Sharon,
    Your blog site looks awesome! Thanks for helping me with The 23 Things!!!!

  3. I agree with you, Alecia. When there's a specific topic to discuss, writing is no problem.
