Monday, September 13, 2010

Flying Through the Flickr Photos

Week 3:  Thing 5
Learning About Flickr

       Flickr is much like Shutterfly and several other picture sites.  It is a wonderful timesaver, provides a central storage facility, and prevents a photographer from having to send pictures through e-mail that are too big to view.  The parents love having a place to view classroom photos, and once the photos are downloaded to the site and put into photo albums, they can easily access them.  The bee picture is a photo that I found on Flickr, downloaded to my picture file, and uploaded to this blog.
We learn about bees in second grade as part of science, and I thought this was a nice close-up of one. 


  1. I like the fact that you share an alternative (Shutterfly) to Flickr. What I love about Flickr is the copyright-free search option....but that comes later in the 23 things :)

  2. Well, I moved all of my pictures over to a Flickr account and created a second-grade group for my parents. I kept it private and called all of my parents, "friends." So far, I have one parent who has signed on, but I think word of mouth will take care of it.
